Hi! I’m Jennine.

Headshot of designer

I’m a Visual Designer that loves creating engaging visual design solutions that are beautiful and user friendly.

After working in the health field for several years, I was looking for a new challenge and opportunity to use my creative skills. I decided to take some digital art courses (Photoshop and Illustrator) to compete in the Biomedical Illustration industry. I was instantly hooked on Digital Media Design and “voilá!”, I knew I wanted to be a Visual Designer. Whether I’m crafting a brand or designing a website for a business, there’s always a new and exciting challenge to look forward to, and I love helping businesses reach their goals and thrive.


Color & Typography

Mobile-First Design

UI Design Patterns


High-Fidelity Mockup

Logo Design

Icon Design

Identity Design

Style Guide



Adobe XD




Fun Facts!

  • I’m a certified Biomedical Illustrator and Fitness Trainer

  • I turned vegan looong before vegan was cool.

  • Travel feeds my soul. I spent a month in Australia, half of it in a caravan.

  • I’m a nature / animal lover with a penchant for cats, both domestic and wild.

  • Some little girls want to be princesses when they grow up, I wanted to be a race car driver. :)

Designer wearing an Australian cowgirl hat  a large python snake draped around her neck